the illusion of reconciliation

Taiwan’s Tsai Ying-wen administration began with several large promises to transform the way that the government interacted with the populace. In relationship to indigenous groups, these promises included the startling Continue Reading →

o kamalatamdawan ita konia riyar 有這個海洋,我們才能成為人之處

有些朋友可能趕不上那天在東海大學開展的分享會 我想在這裡,幫你們補一下 many of you couldn’t make it to the opening, where i gave this talk, so i thought i’d post it here on the blog 我想,今天天氣很好,若是我沒有今日的開展會,就不會留室內,一定會來去「五十步空間」micekiw也好,micelem也好,或著乾脆在海邊那裡「買蝴蝶」,都是很好的事呢,不過還是很美麗的心情今天,而且我們明天應該可以去那八個浪,你說對不對? the weather today Continue Reading →