playing aborigine (2): open and closed participatory practices

one way that we might productively understand disputes over ethnic chinese either feeling entitled to participate in or appropriate taiwanese indigenous dance is to consider an issue that seems to Continue Reading →

playing aborigine (1): awkward dancers and layered sovereignty

The past few days I’ve been cleaning up some files–as you’ve probably noted from the recycling of old poems and papers today (sorry!). But my writing has also turned to Continue Reading →

performed but not spoken (4): empty syllables?

toward another model presentational performance, however, is not the only field of musical performance. As described by Turino, there are at least four different fields of musical practice, the performance Continue Reading →

performed but not spoken (2): symbolic reduction, language ideology, and ‘amis popular music

We are used to the idea that language is a form of cultural patrimony. Many arguments for endangered language preservation, in fact, begin from this premise, which defines languages as Continue Reading →