entangled hopes

“Matrilineal” is really a codeword for the ways in which mimesis of settler forms does not extinguish ‘Amis claims to particularity and self-determination. But what else does matirlineal mean in Continue Reading →

haunted by the party state: far ocean fishing and settler concern

Settler concern for indigenous welfare has often focused on housing. On Taiwan, where I work, the Nationalist Party State focused on houses as the most visible sign of deprivation, targeting Continue Reading →

what’s in a place? 地方的本體論--Coulthard論土地在去殖民的地位

還我土地運動,不是分裂族群的「認同政治」,卻是互相了解、尊敬的第一步,我們一起看coulthard「土地對帝國:論原住民族反殖民運動」。This is the first virtual symposium. Let’s read Coulthard’s (2010) “Place Against Empire” together! Continue Reading →

of course, there are many different perspectives

when it comes to issues surrounding protest there are many different perspectives. although both age and experience outside the niyaro’ (as one’s home community is called in ‘amis) influence what Continue Reading →