entangled hopes
“Matrilineal” is really a codeword for the ways in which mimesis of settler forms does not extinguish ‘Amis claims to particularity and self-determination. But what else does matirlineal mean in Continue Reading →
life in text and stereo sound
“Matrilineal” is really a codeword for the ways in which mimesis of settler forms does not extinguish ‘Amis claims to particularity and self-determination. But what else does matirlineal mean in Continue Reading →
有些朋友可能趕不上那天在東海大學開展的分享會 我想在這裡,幫你們補一下 many of you couldn’t make it to the opening, where i gave this talk, so i thought i’d post it here on the blog 我想,今天天氣很好,若是我沒有今日的開展會,就不會留室內,一定會來去「五十步空間」micekiw也好,micelem也好,或著乾脆在海邊那裡「買蝴蝶」,都是很好的事呢,不過還是很美麗的心情今天,而且我們明天應該可以去那八個浪,你說對不對? the weather today Continue Reading →
sometimes the process of writing requires pieces that clear the mind or set an intention. i will admit that perhaps these pieces might err on the side of self-indulgence. for Continue Reading →
toward another model presentational performance, however, is not the only field of musical performance. As described by Turino, there are at least four different fields of musical practice, the performance Continue Reading →
We are used to the idea that language is a form of cultural patrimony. Many arguments for endangered language preservation, in fact, begin from this premise, which defines languages as Continue Reading →