end of academic year update

as you all have noticed, i’ve been taking a break from blogging during much of the academic year 2103-2014. the major reason was that i had been spending much of my writing time working on various grants and plans for sabbatical during 2014-2015

this work has paid off handsomely: during 2014-2015, i will be a fulbright scholar affiliated with the austronesian studies institute at national taitung university and the recipient of a wenner-gren foundation grant. but enough for congrats. what does this mean for the blog?

during 2014-2015, i will be posting frequent updates, as i hope to make my blog a public venue for my fieldwork. my plans include posts of field recordings, photography, and possibly some video, plus a variety of findings, red herrings, realizations, and ruminations. keep posted

note: the views expressed in the blog are those of dj w. hatfield and not of the fulbright foundation, the wenner-gren foundation, or the berklee college of music

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